Artista plástica, creativa e ilustradora de historias, especialmente, cuentos para niños.
Artista plástica, creativa e ilustradora de historias, especialmente, cuentos para niños.
De pequeña, tuve como referente a mi abuela, quien fue pintora, escultora y titiritera. Esto me permitió crecer entre cuadros, personajes, cuentos y un mundo que sirvió de semilla para desarrollar mi espíritu creativo.
Además de tomar diferentes talleres de pintura, estudié un master en Diseño Digital para aprender elementos claves de composición y color. Mi técnica favorita es la acuarela y me apasiona darle vida a las historias a través de narrativas visuales. Soy ilustradora del cuento infantil “El viaje de los OCHO” (autora: Magaly Urdaneta) y del libro «Los cinco bolívares del almuerzo» (autor: Ernesto Blanco M.).
Desarrollo patrones textiles y productos de decoración y uso personal que nacen siempre entre tinta y papel. Parto siempre del arte analógico, combinándolo con los recursos digitales, para lograr que se encuentren dos lenguajes muy poderosos: la palabra y la imagen.
English Version
I’m Valentina Urdaneta, a visual artist, based in Caracas, Venezuela. I am a freelance illustrator of stories, especially for children books.
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela. My city is situated in an evergreen Valley flooded with the light and colors of the tropics. This background helped inspire my perspective of the world and sparked my appetite for art. From an early age, I learned to appreciate the uniqueness of how urban life and exuberant nature can harmoniously intertwine.
This experience contributed to shaping my style and was fundamental in providing me with a professional direction. My creativity is seeded in a unique context where things constantly change and grow.
From my childhood, my reference in the arts has always been my grandmother, who was an artist and puppeteer. Because of her, I grew among paintings, sculptures, characters, stories, and a world full of imagination to develop my creative spirit.
I love to paint. I’m extremely creative. My preferred technique is watercolor and bringing stories to life through visual narratives. I am the illustrator artist and the editor of the children’s book “El viaje de los OCHO” as well as the illustrator of the book “Los cinco bolívares del almuerzo”, by Ernesto Blanco Martínez.
I develop textile patterns and other products for decore and personal use that are always born between ink and paper,combining analog art with digital resources to achieve the meeting point of two very powerful languages: the word and the image.
I have a master’s degree in Communication and I worked in the corporate world for more than 15 years. Also, I worked as a journalist at several newspapers in Venezuela and Spain. This has allowed me to understand the public and connect with their needs.
I also have a passion for teaching, combining creative activities with workshops. Since 2015, I have been teaching Communication and Management as a visiting professor at IESA, advising NGOs, and offering conferences and courses.
I design workshops for children and adults (many of them for foundations, humanitarian organizations and low income sectos) to help them loose their fear of a blank paper, allowing them to express themselves, teaching them to build stories and to discover the artist that lives within them.